Monday 1 February 2010

Mature Blogging

It is the first after 2 years. after my first blog
kind of a childish wordl web address now, but somehow I used to write there,haha..
ask about how it feels? of course there's a bit of

hhh,, just like my older blog motto "
to share aLL my feaRs, my Upsets, my hePi time, my fRiends, tempat sampahQ when I’m desperate N tempatQ meLatih kemampuan menuLisQ^^", this blog is just like a pandora box (probably your not gonna find kind like software installer or photo galeries like the others). its just a simple words, simple thought, simply me. and just like ordinary 'house move' we'd always carry our old stuffs. so do I ^^

but yaa, this is me and my life. You don't have a right to enter unless that I want to.
So, officially with BISMILLAH, semoga site ini menjadi refleksi diri, motivator dan limiting boundary disaat kita lupa akan masa2 indah dan susah yg pernah dilalui. saat bahwa kita pernah jatuh, pernah tertawa dan pernah terpuruk.

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